Register Today for NonaONE Conference April 28-29


depending on God's goodness and control in all circumstances

Key Scriptures: Psalm 16 & Philippians 4:8-13

Essential Elements: Fasting, Gratitude, Suffering & Simplicity


  • Use a feelings wheel to name your emotions. Tell God what you're feeling.

  •  Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you in whatever you're feeling.

  • End your day by thanking God for five specific things you experienced today.


  • Listen to the "Fasting" series on the Rule of Life podcast.

  • Read Prayer in the Night by Tish Harrison Warren.


  • Journal about how you've experienced God in the midst of a suffering season of your life.

  • Fast from one or two meals, replacing the time you'd spend eating with prayer and/or Bible reading.

  • Review your monthly budget and ask yourself what you're trying to gain, prove, or accomplish with your spending.