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Formation Journals

One thing we have believed at Nona Church from the earliest days is that the invitation of Jesus is into a lifelong journey to follow Him - one step at a time. We pray this resource will help you strengthen your walk with Jesus on a daily basis this year. The 2024 Formation Journals are designed to guide you into God's presence through intentional prayer, bible reading and personal reflection. 

Download Your Formation Journal

You can download a digital copy of the Spring 2024 Formation Journal by clicking the image or follow along in the Nona Church App!

What is a Formation Journal?

Bible Reading Plan

In this journal you will walk through 22 books of the bible. Each week there are five readings. By the end of 2023 you will have read through the entire bible!

Sunday Sermon Notes

There is a space each week to take notes during the Sunday sermon, write out the Big Idea and space to reflect on what God is teaching you during the Service. 

Daily Gratitude

Each day there is an opportunity to reframe and journal your perspective around gratitude. Use this space to thank God for how you are experiencing Him.

Weekly Reflection

Each week there is a prompt to spend time reflecting on your discipleship to Jesus. This might look like prayer, spiritual practices or season specific teaching. 

Download the App

Download the Nona Church App to access the reading plan from anywhere. The app features an audio version as well, so you can listen during your morning commute!