Register Today for NonaONE Conference April 28-29


seeing and treating everyone the way God sees and treats them

Key Scriptures: Psalm 8 & Romans 12:9-11

Essential Elements: Hospitality, Encouragement, Submission to Others, Relationships Across Difference


  • For one week, pray daily for someone that is difficult to for you to love.

  • The next time you feel offended or hurt by someone, write down what emotions you're feeling, talk to God about them, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you respond healthily.


  • Watch Generosity from The Bible Project.

  • Read The Beautiful Community by Irwyn Ince, Jr.


  • Open up your home to host neighbors, co-workers, or friends. Be generous with your time, your attention, and your resources to love them well.

  • Invite someone you don't know well because they're different than you to coffee or a meal. Ask curious questions to get to understand them better.

  • Look for and choose into an opportunity to celebrate someone else.