Register Today for NonaONE Conference April 28-29


managing God's gifts God's way for God's glory and the good of others

Key Scriptures: Genesis 1:26-28 & Matthew 25:14-30

Essential Elements: Service, Tithe, Sexuality & Physical Health


  • For one week, start your day by praying for the Holy Spirit to help you love God with all of who you are and to love your neighbor like yourself.

  • Journal in response to this prompt: What in your life feels "off-limits" or "unrelated" to God?


  • Listen to the "Generosity" series on the Rule of Life podcast.

  • Read The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas.


  • Make a one-week plan for your diet and exercise that is specific and achievable.

  • Review your monthly budget and ask someone else to share their feedback.

  • Take a spiritual gifts survey. Consider how/if you're using the gifts God has given you to serve others.