Register Today for NonaONE Conference April 28-29


Summer is a time when school is out, the days are longer and life slows down a bit. We want to invite you into one of our favorite traditions at Nona Church, Summer Book Clubs. Dive into some of the books our leadership has loved this past year, covering topics including parenting, leadership and spiritual formation. Check out the 2024 Book Clubs Below!

Soul Rest

Curtis Zachary
Reclaim your life. Return to Sabbath. Root your identity and rest in Jesus.

Delighting in the Trinity

Michael Reeves
Discover and delight in the truth that the best thing about God and about life with God is that He is triune.


Skye Jethani
Reimagine the way you relate to God and rediscover how to live life with Him.

Holier Than Thou

Jackie Hill Perry
Shake the dust off of the word "holy" and find out how God's holiness helps us trust Him.

Need to Know

Gary Millar
Dig into the essentials of what you really need to know if you're going to follow Jesus.

Christian Sexuality

Christian Sexuality Curriculum
 Learn God's good design for sexuality and lean in to apply it in your own life and parenting. 

The Meaning of Marriage

Tim Keller
Face the complexities of commitment with the wisdom of God.